Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Every year I promise myself I'll be more organized about seed starting. Here comes another year and I'm no more organized than any of the last. The only thing I decided to change was something I really couldn't decide, the decision was made for me. I only have one germination mat and the greenhouse is much too full of STUFF to make room for my seedlings. Sigh. Some day I'll be organized. For this year I decided everything would be started outside in this single wood starting tray.
I put it under cover (with bird, cat, and child protection although the child part of it still requires keen ears and observant eyes) in the little semi-covered outdoor room where our family bath is (I photographed it last year here). This is the bath our second son was born in, so I'm really counting on baby energy to aid these little seedlings :)

This morning I trudged out in my trusty rain boots to check on the little dears. Note how saturated the ground is. I'm happy to have all this rain, we REALLY need it here in California. And the timing has been good for us to have it dump so much while we've been sick! Sweeeet.
And look who I found! Most everyone is up and shining! I am so pleased. Once all these seedlings are up I have another tray to start in it's place of more tomatoes, some more peppers, a few this and that.

And I've been so busy with life that I've just been writing down what I've started on my calendar! At least I know I won't lose it like the cute little notebook I used last year. Or the file folders the year before that. Like I said, someday I'll be organized right?


  1. I love seeing seeds emerge!!!! I refer to mine as my "babies".... :-)

  2. Is this one of the most gratifying feelings or what? I love seeing those little guys poke up. It's always like I've never seen it before! (Love your new mast head photo, btw)

  3. Thank you! Yes, I LOVE seedlings! I've been running out every morning to see who has woken up haha!
