Thursday, February 18, 2010

Remembering Roo

Very recently I posted about Roo, our second Gentleman Rooster as I like to call our guys. He liked to get into the garden and "man" the front garden gate. He was also a great co-rooster and kind to his hens. He was handsome and regal and everything a rooster should be.

And he is gone.
I noticed he hadn't roosted last night but I only had seconds out away from the house so I couldn't go investigate as to why. This morning I went out to check for him thinking perhaps he had gone down to the trees below and decided to roost there for the night. Unfortunately I found a clump of his bloody feathers next to the fence we share with a neighbor. We aren't missing any hens so I'm thinking Roo died with honor, defending his gals from a coyote who left a tell-tale print behind in the mud.

Goodbye Roo. We miss you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Poor guy. I guess I'm glad that it wasn't Rowdy, though.

  3. :-( Sad!!! See- this is why I shouldnt own chickens. I'd never be able to use them for anything other than laying eggs.. I get too sentimental!

  4. Thank you everyone, I'm still sad about it. I've also just discovered that two more "hens" are roosters and Fancy Feet is not such a kindly guy so I'm trying to figure out who stays and who goes. I wish Roo were still around, he was such a perfect fit for the flock.
