Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not Goaty

Yesterday I headed out to The Bancroft Ranch in Carmel Valley for an artisan cheese making class. Julie Lang brought a few La Mancha milking goats and a few 3 week old baby goats down the hill for the occasion. Since the babies were away from their moms for the first time in their lives Julie brought along a bottle to feed them in case they got hungry in those few hours. It was really cute. (and who knew a beer bottle can be reused to make the perfect feeder?)
We also had an opportunity to learn how to milk a goat. Of course I had to try it! I've always wanted to try and next spring I'm hoping to get a few goats. It was easy! The bucket of yummies they are given while milking may have something to do with the ease? hahaI was able to drink some fresh, raw milk moments after milking. It was delicious!
Then we watched as Julie made ricotta and a classic chevre with herbs. Did you know fresh goat milk doesn't taste "goaty" at all? There is an enzyme in the milk which, when left for a few days, begins to change the flavor. So fresh goat milk doesn't taste goaty at all. In fact, it tasted a bit like sweet grass; Very subtle. Several young girls were there who professed they don't like milk at all and didn't want to taste it. After a bit of coaxing each of them tried it and said it tasted much better than cow milk to them. Fresh and raw from loved animals? Can't go wrong there!

The fresh ricotta was then mixed with some fresh herbs and made into raviolis. DIVINE.

The day was topped off with goat milk cheesecake made in a classic New York style. Ohhh the decadence!

What a fabulous day! Thank you Susan and Julie!

If you live locally and are interested in any upcoming classes, you can find a list of them here. Next month's class and lunch sounds pretty awesome. Julie sells goat cheese locally (and it is the best I've ever had!) and can be contacted through her Facebook page here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a wonderful day!

    I've been kicking around getting goats/sheep too (now that Alex will go to school we'll be less nomadic!) -- keep me apprised of your info gathering with respect to the goats!
