Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A very humble Giveaway

I managed to order too many tomato seeds. You see, my satellite Internet connection goes wacky here and there and I just figured something was up with that. And then I checked out, apparently a wee bit hastily, and ended up with 4 packages of white tomatoes. Don't fault me. I have two small children.

So, pleasant and kindly readers, here is an opportunity to win some seeds. Three random winners will be sent a package of these White Tomesol Tomatoes from Baker Creek.

US shipping only please.

Your odds aren't bad! Leave a link or direct info needed to contact you in a comment. Please be simple my time is Previously Occupied (a theory I have used to no avail in the past when it comes to speeding tickets but now it is used more appropriately to exemplify my experience of motherhood, relevant or not.) Comments will close 4 days from now or something like that because I'm not too particular. Want an exact timeframe? This is not your perfect giveaway. I really will figure it out. I promise.

Good luck readers!
The beautiful thing about a small number of entries is that the way to pick is very simple! Names pulled out of my garden hat by my big boy helper! Congratulations to the winners!

(ps Marlyn I have some from my open packet I'll set you up with when I see you later today!)

Hey what can I say, everyone wins around here :)


  1. I'm game! I think you know how to contact me.... :-)

  2. Hey! The same thing happened to me when I ordered Arkansas Travelers from Baker Creek. They charged me and sent me 4 rather than 1 envelope.

    I sense an investigation is needed.

  3. I'm in! I never knew about white tomatoes! How fun! My email is
    (Sherri referred me to your site.)

  4. Ooh, pick me! You know my contact stuff too! Plus, no shipping required...
