Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An evening view of our garden at the end of a gorgeous January day

Beets trimmed, books consulted
blankets folded & stacked
nesting boxes filled with buckets to deter roosting (and pooping) during the night
tractor powered down
beds topped up with compost
seeds started
and the one (yes, that's right.. after my brag yesterday we got ONE egg today!) egg being carried inside, this is a peek of it in my pocket with the resident mouser circling about


  1. what all did you plant in those seed starters?

  2. Shauna they are all flower seeds. I'll have to post again when (if) I can ever finish up -- I have so many plants swirling in my head and an entire container of seeds --- it will be a busy year that is the only certain thing right now LOL.

    I like to direct seed most of my vegetables if I can. When I do tomatoes and peppers I put them on a germination mat, but I think (?) it's too soon for those. I better check my frost chart!
