Friday, December 4, 2009

The December Garden

I've been working on this post for over 2 weeks now, so really I should call these photos the November/December Garden. November was interesting to say the least. Fruit trees in bloom, tomatoes and corn continuing to grow. December came in quietly and quickly. Stillness in the garden. Stillness in my garden mind. Craziness in my world as I continue to adjust to mothering two very busy children while reminding myself at every turn that this time in my life is simply a season and it will pass. It will pass and I will treasure these moments with my sweet young children (and celebrate the passing of time as well).

winter tomatillos

corn's last hoorah
which, by the way, is perfect and tasty

languishing yet lasting carrots
cilantro... or should I say coriander? for which I have plans green green long grass
ravaged potato tops. these are ever sprouting no matter how much I harvest
bolted leeks
cauliflower and broccoli babes, purple haze carrots
beet greens and chard, well harvested. somethings or others under the bird protection - I neglected to write down what I planted. so far looks like carrots and somethings.
mustard greens. gorgeous, succulent, bitter mustard greens.
parsnips, spinach, somethings all under cover for migrant bird protection

This has to be my most pathetic winter garden I've ever had. I've just never been so busy before! Big plans for summer though. I'll have a crawler/walker and a 4 year old in the sun and dirt. That somehow sounds easier than 3.5 and barely moving in the cold and mud LOL. We shall see!

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