Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Canning Green Beans

That was my big idea. To can some beans. At this time of year we begin to be as up to our ears in beans as we are in zucchini. Last year I froze a bunch of our blanched green beans and we ended up not really using a bunch because they were kind of.... not great. I mean really, we live in the Salinas Valley aka The Salad Bowl of the World. Eating other than fresh is a foreign concept in many ways, but in my quest to be more SELF SUFFICIENT I keep trying for ways we can grow and store most of what we will eat. Freezing green beans isn't the way. And now I know niether is canning! I started with fresh-from-the-garden green beans in their prime. I decided to go with the raw pack, room temperature water method which is: Pack trimmed beans into jars, add desired seasonings (I used a bay leaf and minimal good sea salt and a sprinkle of ground black pepper), add water and really leave an inch of air at the top. Trust me. Process, following your pressure cooker's specifications, for 35 minutes. Results?

Pretty but YUCKY. I figure they will make great finger food for my baby once he is old enough to eat. Yup, they are THAT consistency.

I'll take mine fresh off the vine anytime. Have you ever had them tossed in olive oil and salt and pepper then bbq-ed? I want it just the way I want it or I don't want it at all. If you are the same, please don't attempt canning your beans. Or tell me how you do it. I'm flexible! My next adventure: Pickled Dilly Beans. I'll let you know how they turn out!

(as a funny aside, my husband says this picture looks very aquatic and I can't help but agree!)


  1. My dilly beans came out great last year. My frozen ones are still in the freezer...

  2. I'll never be the gardener/canner you are, but...If you have freezer space try par-boiling the beans, followed by a quick ice bath. Then vacumn pack and freeze. I've 'canned' beans this way for years and it's always worked...the consistency stays great too!

  3. I keep thinking about buying a vacuum packer -- mine were just wrapped in wax paper and placed in a Rubbermaid type of container. Super yuck. I bet the vacuum part of it makes all the difference! Now ... can my kitchen handle one more gadget? haha!

    Thanks! :)

  4. Erin, gorgeous pics of all your garden veggies! Truly and inspiration!
