Another ripe type!
I'm so happy to report that my tomatoes are finally starting to ripen! Yipee! The larger types still have a ways to go, but the smaller tomatoes are starting. I did an accidental experiment with my Black Krim tomato and ended up completely dry farming it because the chickens had scratched the drip spout away from the plant and I only just noticed. Dang. I don't think it will recover.
Green Zebra tomato
You should see the heirlooms we got from our CSA today. INSANE!!!!
Sherri, you should see the insane heirlooms in my kitchen! I figure we'll harvest at least $3,000 worth of tomatoes this summer! LOL
Erin, love love love your green zebra! Funny that it's one of your first to ripen. I just got my first ripe ones a couple days ago. Maybe it's not because of variety but rather I started those late or something (don't think so though).
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