Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Nanaberries are in, it must be June!

Nanaberries! Like magic, they turn from green to pink to black. Come June these awesome boysenberries are ready for a daily harvest. They have this incredible, complex flavor. Makes it worth their renegade status in the garden! Boy do they have roots made for running....
In celebration of one of the first days of a healthy harvest, my 3 year old and I decided we should make something with them. A cake! was settled upon and I hit up one of the links to the right and found this recipe for Raspberry Buttermilk Cake (berry type interchangeable, says it right in the recipe! :) The recipe, as all the others from Smitten Kitchen we have tried, did not disappoint. I highly recommend it. We generally don't use a lot of sugar in our house as I mostly use honey and agave nectar to sweeten, but Colven insisted on trying it two ways (and it didn't occur to me until after I agreed that what he was most likely going for was two cakes! and knew how to get me to agree to that) so we tried one with honey as the sweetener and one with sugar (brown, since that's all I had) and I have to say much to my disappointment... the sugar cake was better. But so worth it. On my way to pick more berries for another.


  1. Yeah for the berries! Yeah for summer! Yeah for cake!!!!

  2. I ended up making some yesterday for the boys too (not GF). It was good (yes, I did sneak a bite....or two!) ;-)

  3. Never had fresh boysenberries! Used to be my fav. syrup!
