Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's so lovely to walk out and harvest a simple and delicious platter of vegetables. Add the quintessential onion dip and voila! Nearly effortless, which is just about the speed I'm running at right now. Easy? I'm in!


  1. Okay, onion dip? Have I mentioned how much I LOVE onion? Seriously, (as sad as this sounds..) I think it eat more of them than any other veggie. I'm sure your recipe is super easy, but can you share? ;-)

  2. Yes, I'd love your recipe too!

    What a pretty picture!

  3. Oh I'm afraid you guys are going to be very disappointed! LOL.

    Sour cream and dry onion soup mix! I'm sure there is a fabulous recipe out there somewhere though haha!

  4. LMAO! Something I did not expect from you Erin! ;-)

    I'm thinking some onions sauteed in some balsamic and then chopped up, mixed with some sour cream, salt, pepper....sounds yummy anyway!

  5. I've made much fancier ones before and really it isn't overly difficult, but I said EASY! haha!

    Cyrus actually likes the dry soup version the best so I buy it in bulk packages from Starwest!

    I've made this recipe before (almost, I always have to alter a bit of course). I like to add oregano to mine.


    and it was good! Didn't make the pita crisps--
