Sunday, February 15, 2009

A beautiful sight

I absolutely love having chickens. It has been so fun (and sometimes a lot of work) so far! This is what I get to find when I go into the coop for one of the two or three trips in to find eggs. Fresh, warm, clean eggs nestled in pine shavings. So fun! One of the Buff Orpington gals is busy laying in the center nesting box.


  1. I love that you call your hens "gals".


  2. FYI - how many eggs are you getting regularly now?

  3. Anywhere from 7 to 11 at the moment. Not all of then hens are the same age (we had to replace 13 of them after Cyrus' dogs killed some of the first flock).

    Enough eggs to have given several dozen away :) I love it!

  4. She is beautiful! I love her! And I am SO jealous!

  5. REcord day today! 14 eggs! woot! :)

    thanks guys!

  6. We have a Buff too. We used to have three but we're down to only one now. They are pretty birds.
