Monday, December 1, 2008

If you haven't looked up into the night sky for a bit, tonight is a great night to catch up! A little sliver of the moon will be adorned by Venus and Jupiter, two of the brightest planets, in close proximity. Last night was pretty stunning but tonight is supposed to be the best viewing. I was able to see the earthshine last night on the moon too, that is when you can see the the full globe of the moon. I just read how this is also known as "the old moon in the young moon's arms." Pretty sweet!


  1. I was commenting to Nate on our drive over yesterday how spectacular the moon looked!! And I figured it must have been planets nearby it--they were so striking! Very cool-

  2. I just noticed that at about 6 p.m. tonight! How pretty! But now the fog rolled in and we can hardly see down the street much less up to the sky. Bummer! :(

  3. Funny, because I noticed it the other night and was like, "There's no way that's the north star because I am driving South right now!" LOL Then I saw on the news what it was. So beautiful!

  4. After reading your post yesterday afternoon, I headed outside with the boys. Even in early dusk we were able to see venus and jupiter. They were so bright and beautiful. Thank you for reminding me how much I love to look up to the stars (and planets).
