Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Garden Post

It has been a while since I did a garden post, and while it is most likely not interesting to anyone but me I'm doing one! ha :) I've loved being able to look back and see what was going on in our garden in past posts, so this is more of a sketch of things for me to reference back to than anything else.
What does a California garden look like in December, anyway?

The berry zone. Nanaberry vines are all trimmed up and the new growth pinned up.

The teeny beds of rhubarb, dahlias, Italian sage and onions (yellow and red) in the big bed on the far right. The raised beds
The chicken forage crop

The chickens, all gathered up to see what kind of treat I have for them.
I like to think they refer to me as The Bearer of All Things Delicious

Cabbage (can't wait to make homemade sauerkraut!)

My current favorite bed of beet greans, carrots, hardneck garlic and cauliflower seedlings.

The glorious artichokes, oh how I wish I had planted more than one plant!

Close up of the cover crop. This is where the children's garden was last year.
The chickens are quite fond of the greens.

Same cover crop, planted in fairly fresh soil about a month after the spot above.

The herb bed is getting an overhaul (the entire front yard is really) so I pulled all my herbs out and they are being so patient with me just sitting there with their feet dangling in the air! They look like a big pile of garbage in this pic. They look much happier in person, I swear!


  1. Ditto that!! But hey, shouldn't YOU be calling the CHICKENS the Bearers of All Things Delicious??


  2. Thank you my friends! :)

    LOL Shauna! YES! Definitely haha
