Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Fleeting Days of Summer: A Gallery


  1. Beautiful! I'm totally copying that idea for my blog! I was just out looking at the garden thinking, "Yup, this is the end of the summer garden!"

    We have tomatoes coming out our ar.. these days!

    Oh, but alas, my giant pumpkin is hopped up on testosterone or something -- ALL male flowers! How can that be???? The darn thing has also gone vertical -- grown up and over the tomato poles and into the oak tree!

    My borage plants got so big and heavy they fell over! Into my blossom laden melon bed that despite an abundant supply of butterflies and bees has made NO melons.

    This is our first year doing more than tomatoes and herbs so clearly we have adjustments to make! I did order my garlic, onions, and potatoes. I was thinking of also trying some peas.

  2. Beautiful pics! I was thinking the same thing this weekend.
