Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wasn't I *just* complaining that we didn't have any beans yet?

I obviously wan't looking close enough!
We feasted on them last night.
Butter, garlic, onions, beans.
Oh my.


  1. Your beans didnt get killed by the sun/heat huh?? Must be temperate enough there that they don't get fried like they do here..... there's practically NO bean growing season (although I always try) because if you start too early, they freeze, and by the time July rolls around-- they are crispy fried.

    I think I got about a dozen off my plants. lol SAD!

  2. How funny, I am downloading a picture of my, rather boring green, beans right now! Mine are OUT OF CONTROL! I pick every day. Today, a full colander -- freezing tomorrow.

    Shauna, hot as hell here, and still good.

  3. http://topangabubbles.blogspot.com/2008/08/todays-bean-harvest.html

  4. OH Marlyn yummmo!

    Shauna I always figured that beans love the heat? They do need plenty of water when the temp goes up so I make extra sure to really deep water them (I put the hose on a drip). I actually just planted some more for a bumper crop!

    Peas on the other hand can ONLY be grown in the spring here, otherwise it is too hot and they languish!

  5. FUCK I'm such a moron!! HAHA

    I was talking peas....

